ハワイと日本の相互発展を目指すIsland Innovation Projectの一環としてのIsland Innovation Demo Day。バケーションで訪れるイメージの強いハワイですが、新型コロナウィルス収束後の経済発展を見据え、ビジネス目的での訪問者を増やすことや、更にハワイならではの新たなビジネスを起すべく、様々な取り組みを官民学合わせて始めています。Island Innovation Demo Dayイベントは今回で3回目となります。
イベントタイトル:Island Innovation Demo Day from JAPAN - Agriculture & Aquaculture -
日 時 :2021年3月18日(金)10:00 - 11:30 (90分 *日本時間)
参 加 費 :無料
■リージョナルフィッシュ ( https://regional.fish/ )
This startup has “ultra-fast breeding” technology, which uses "deletion genome editing". This tech breaks the DNA of fish to cause a natural mutation to increase its natural resilience and nutrition. It is also researching the next generation aquaculture system combined with smart land-based aquaculture. This startup is working to solve food problems such as the "protein crisis" and the declining fishery industry in Japan.
■アグリスト ( https://agrist.co/ )
This startup has developed an AI-based automatic harvesting robot for agricultural products in order to solve the problems of labor shortage and aging population in the agricultural business. Their mission is to "solve agricultural issues with technology.
■ベジタリア ( https://www.vegetalia.co.jp/ )
Vegetalia is a startup that uses agricultural sensor networks to help farmers or agricultural businesses to design an efficient agricultural system with consulting services. They help farmers install camera systems to remotely monitor their fields, measure, record, and transmit data such as water level, water temperature, ambient temperature, and humidity in the fields, with dedicated smartphone and tablet applications to check the data.
■天地人 ( https://tenchijin.co.jp/ )
Tenchijin, Inc. is a startup company that utilizes big data captured in space to revolutionize land assessment and provide a fuller evaluation of land. They develop business solutions using high-precision, high-resolution earth observation satellite data and a proprietary land evaluation engine.
イベント主催:engawa KYOTO / MajiConnection LLC.